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Drinks on us

 These are drinks that exist for you to try.

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1. Celsius Functional Essential Energy Drink

Celsius Functional Essential Energy Drink, Sparkling Orange (12-pack)

Though it has less carbonation than most energy drinks, Celsius is punchy without a cloying aftertaste and it does wonders in masking the medicinal notes that are present in similarly potent drinks. This is an absolute unit when it comes to the caffeine-to-volume ratio, and not a single flavor I tried was objectively bad.

Celsius is a hot up-and-comer for a reason, and it’s not shocking to see entire fridges stocked with its whole portfolio right next to the checkout counter at a growing number of gas stations. The can has a whole lot of text I will never read, but it’s attractive and not too much in the extreme gaming or health-nut quackery camps to dissuade potential buyers who care about being seen in public with an energy drink. Like the Beatles or In-N-Out, this is a consensus pick everyone agrees on.

Notes: Nice mellow thrust of energy with very few jitters or butterflies in the stomach. This is a solid road trip or preworkout beverage. A slight dip in energy around 2 pm, but a few jumping jacks got me back on track.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

2. C4

C4, Starburst Cherry (12-Pack)

C4’s marketing materials position its sports fuel as the beverage of choice for the athleisure set. Does C4’s “clinically studied CarnoSyn beta-alanine” compound help you get swole? Do yoga pants increase flexibility? Who knows, and who cares!

With flavors like Frozen Bombsicle and Mango Foxtrot in C4’s arsenal, concerns of this “NSF-certified” drink tasting like saccharine gloop are valid, but the Midnight Cherry was a pleasant surprise. An intense cherry flavor—imagine a Dr. Brown’s dialed up to 11—hits on the frontend, and only a mild trace of diet flavor lingers in the aftertaste. Marketing be damned, you could add this to the rotation at a Taco Bell and no one would know (or care) about its alleged postgains powers.

Notes: Halfway through the can I got happy feet and swapped my Aeron chair for the walking pad. Two miles and 35 minutes later I was still zooming, so I took my dog for a 2-mile run and felt like a million bucks at the end. I crushed a gas station salad for lunch and felt like a Healthy Person for one of the first times in my life.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

3. Red Bull

Red Bull, Original Flavor (24-Pack)

Classic citrus flavor with minimal aftertaste and plenty of carbonation. That first sip brings back memories of all-night drives, marathon Excel sessions for the computer science class I took before I quit business school, and the countless “bomb” shots I consumed during this era. The gold standard for energy drinks. Minimal negative social baggage, maximal uplift.

Notes: The sugar high is sharp and abrasive, and the caffeine hits once the sugar wears off for stable energy well into the afternoon.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
114 grams caffeine
38 grams sugar
60 calories

4. Jocko Go

Jocko GO, Orange (12-Pack)

The manosphere is rife with snake oil merchants, and Jocko Willink is no exception. In addition to a MasterClass about leadership, the ex-Navy SEAL also hawks Jocko Go, a monk-fruit-sweetened energy drink that makes highfalutin claims about “balanced energy,” “increased focus,” and “memory support.” The flavor hits like a combo of Sunny D and stevia, which is an acquired taste for some.

After just a few sips of this fizzy concoction I was overtaken by an urge to start a podcast about crypto and male decline. Instead of doing that I spiked the remainder of the can with a shot of Smirnoff and blasted off to the moon. I missed the memo that “bomb” drinks are out and BORG-ing is in, but I have a strong feeling that Mr. Willink’s vitamin-rich riff on Turbo Fuel is sloshing around in gallon jugs at state colleges all across the land.

Notes: It’s hard to tell where the caffeine ends and the 100 mg of B Vitamins (more than 4,000 percent of the daily recommendation!) begin, but either way this tiny black can packs a wallop.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
95 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

5. Fast Twitch

Fast Twitch, Strawberry Watermelon (12-Pack)

Fast Twitch tastes less like an energy drink and more like a hybrid of Gatorade and Pedialyte. The liquid is just a touch thicker than classic Gatorade, but not at all syrupy. The watermelon flavor is nice and refreshing on a hot sticky day. This and a pint of Cuervo Silver or clear Captain Morgan would make a fantastic BORG base.

Notes: The lack of carbonation hinders the placebo effect that makes your brain realize you’re drinking an energy drink, so the onset of the respectable caffeine content in this small package hit a little later than I’d grown accustomed to. That said, this beverage is extremely crushable and the caffeine hit strong and long once it did kick in. No crash to speak of in the afternoon.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

6. Guayakí Yerba Mate

Guayakí Yerba Mate, Organic Enlighten Mint (12-Pack)

Due to its branding, lack of carbonation, and overall vibes, Guayakí Yerba Mate is a caffeinated beverage that’s somehow exempt from being regarded as a capital-E Energy Drink by polite society. The stats on its cheery, GVC-inspired can say it contains no corn syrup or bizarre extracts—chemical or otherwise—and an absence of bubbles makes it dangerously chuggable compared to other drinks.

This is the caffeine vehicle of choice for liberal arts grads who spend their weekends wandering farmers markets with a hangover and a New Yorker tote filled with vegan junk food. You may not be able to dose a Mormon with one of these, but your “California sober” friend will gladly cut loose with a Guayakí while you take advantage of his offer to be the DD for the night.

Notes: The lack of bubbles is weird, but a hefty chug of one of these during a short break in Zoom meeting hell gave me just the boost I needed to draft (then delete) a subtly dickish email to a “cross-functional partner” about how they need to stop making Slack channels for everything. I finished the second half after work and was able to hustle through some household chores while still managing to crash by 10 pm—a win I never thought I would relish until I turned 40.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
150 milligrams caffeine
29 grams sugar
120 calories

7. Reign Total Body Fuel

Reign Total Body Fuel, Reignbow Sherbet (12-Pack)

Reign makes maximalist energy drinks that appear to be marketed toward fitness bros who secretly have a gaming problem. Its flavors are wacky. I chose Rainbow Sherbet over White Gummy Bear and Tropical Storm because my brain actually remembers what rainbow sherbet tastes like. (Who knows what white gummy bears are supposed to taste like?)

I was shocked and embarrassed to realize I liked it quite a bit. The nondescript citrus flavor is wrapped in a cloud of vanilla that exits the palate just a moment before becoming sickening. I could not believe I liked this. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to harass some strangers on Call of Duty between burpees.

Notes: This one had my toe tapping almost immediately. About an hour later I did a few laps around the block with my dog to stabilize, at which point I was on cloud nine. I spent the next hour cleaning up my iCloud folder and cataloging the dry goods in my pantry.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
300 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

8. Mountain Dew Kickstart

Mountain Dew Kickstart, Orange Citrus (12-Pack)

This is the smooth, user-friendly “mama bear” of energy drinks. It tastes a little like juice, a little like Dew, and a little like gaming. The caffeine content is on the lower end compared to comparable brands that hump the esports/incel aesthetic much harder, but the combo of its smooth, juicy mouthfeel and a familiar citrus flavor is a pleasant surprise. This and a sandwich from the warming bin of a gas station is an all-star breakfast for a blue-collar hoss or a city slicker who’s on safari in the hinterlands of America. If gaming bars sold brunch this would make an excellent mimosa base.

Notes: The caffeine in Kickstart hits more like a traditional can of Dew than a proper energy drink, but you’re trading sugar for vitamins and a more mellow citrus flavor that even the staunchest anti-Dew crusader could get behind if you added this to their cocktail.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
92 milligrams caffeine
20 grams sugar
80 calories

9. Aspire Healthy Energy

Aspire Healthy Energy, Mango Lemonade (12-Pack)

Subdued mango taste at the front, pleasantly sour lemonade finish. Mango can taste like a pine cone if it’s done wrong, so this is impressive. No chemical taste to speak of. Excellent balance of magical caffeinated ingredients and flavor. The flavor got a bit tiring three-quarters of the way through the can, but I still finished it.

Notes: A pleasant little jolt that helped me focus on a tedious spreadsheet for an hour straight. I hit a wall during an unnecessary meeting around 1 pm, but I can’t give this drink all the blame for that.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
80 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

10. Gorgie

Gorgie, Sparkling Peach Tea (12-Pack)

This wannabe Goop product tastes like Diet Peach Snapple diluted with club soda. Very noticeable “diet flavor” at the front, but a nice clean finish. Enough sweetness to trick your brain into thinking it’s having a treat. If you don’t hate diet drinks you’ll enjoy it. Bonus points for the vibey can, which would look great staged in a Kinfolk photoshoot or brochure for a yoga studio.

Notes: No physical jolt to speak of; however, I did get the urge to organize my Google Drive about 20 minutes after cracking this one. No crash later, just a mellow, buzz-free productivity bump.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
150 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
5 calories

11. Sparkling Ice Energy

Sparkling Ice Energy, Maximum Mango (12-Pack)

Mellow mango flavor with just a smack of medicine aftertaste. Good carbonation and sweetness, but you’d never guess this was supposed to taste like mango if someone held a gun to your head after a few sips. Generic tropical flavor, but not bad! Can is sexy and unobtrusive. You could pound this after CrossFit in an upscale neighborhood and no one would think you’re a weirdo.

Notes: Nice little burst of energy that leveled off within 30 minutes. Hits more like a Gatorade than a Red Bull. This is a solid hangover aid.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

12. Bawls Guarana

Bawls Guarana, Original Flavor (12-Pack)

Regarded as the first “energy soda” explicitly marketed to gamers, Bawls is a fun throwback to the heady days of StarCraft and LAN parties in the late ’90s. The profile of the unnamed flavor in the iconic blue bottle, which still lines the checkout labyrinth at Micro Center to this day, sits halfway between Sprite and cream soda. A blind taste test would not convince the consumer they’re drinking an energy drink, which may be a good thing if they’re burned out on the more extreme offerings in the gamer fuel space.

Notes: Guarana is the OG herbal coffee alternative of the modern age. It doesn’t hit quite the same as a shot of espresso, but the sugary kick offered by Bawls is a nice halfway point between a can of Coca-Cola and the cartoonish chemical bombs you’ll find at your local gas station.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
100 milligrams caffeine
37 grams sugar
190 calories

13. Prime

Prime Energy Drink, Lemon Lime Flavor (24-Pack)

Pretty close to Red Bull, but with no sugar. Excellent carbonation. Much better than sugar-free Red Bull. Very strong lingering sweetener flavor, like getting a Jolly Rancher stuck in your teeth. The aftertaste was underwhelming, but not a deal-breaker.

Notes: Very mild energy boost that didn’t hit until about 90 minutes later, at which point I was tapping my foot and rapidly clicking a pen while on a Zoom call. I crashed a couple hours later and found myself zombified by 2 pm.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

14. Joggy

Joggy, Tart Cherry and Hibiscus (4-Pack)

This tiny can with the “Brat” colorway packs a mighty wallop of bitter tea and cough drop flavor that no energy drink fan is ready for. I hated the first two swigs, but it grew on me in a strange way by the end of the can. What’s more is the complete lack of sugary sweetness, which may be just what the doctor ordered if you’re on one of those trendy pleasure/dopamine detoxes. This is the Gilbert Gottfried of energy drinks: diminutive, astringent, bizarrely potent, and definitely not for everyone.

Notes: The unpleasant flavor presents a sense of urgency to get through the thing, and the bitterness belies a staggering 150 mg of caffeine jammed into this tiny little can. I cleared my inbox and crushed a quick 2-mile run with energy to spare thanks to Joggy. The can alleges its energy is derived from “jitter-free AmaTea May Guayusa Extract,” which sounds made up. Either way it works great, despite the bizarre flavor.

Nutritional Stats (8 ounces)
150 milligrams caffeine
2 grams sugar
25 calories

15. Wooooo!

Wooooo!, Strawberry Banana (6-Pack)

Ex-WWE star Ric Flair’s signature “dietary supplement” tastes exactly like it looks: bright and obnoxious, but in an uncommitted way. I can deal with a few calories if they’re put to good use, which is thankfully the case here. The can alleges an “herbal mushroom blend” and 1,500 mg of “Cognitive Cap Complex” do the heavy lifting. Like wrestling, that’s probably not real, but it’s still kinda fun and silly.

Notes: Flair’s snake oil never got me jacked up enough to engage in “Woo Girl” behavior, but I did get a nice little jolt of energy that mellowed out after an hour with no crash to speak of.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
150 milligrams caffeine
2 grams sugar
30 calories

16. Accelerator

Accelerator, Peach Paradise (12-Pack)

Accelerator is an inoffensive and unassuming option for folks who don’t like brand names or flashy cans. The carbonation is adequate, and the peach flavor is juicy but not over the top. It should appeal to the three people left on the planet who still prefer generic gas station peach rings over the vastly superior Haribo option that’s hanging from the next rack.

Notes: The energy level offered by Accelerator is a tad underwhelming, but it didn’t hurt my brain or put me in a sugar coma, so I’ll chalk that up as a minor win.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
150 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

17. Bang

Bang, Blue Razz (12-Pack)

The crack of the can shocks the senses with a strong whiff of vape juice and gaming. Pop Rocks up front, with a mild hint of Tums on the finish. Blue raspberry is an unholy flavor you’ll never find in nature, but this manages to mask the insane caffeine content with just enough flavor while barely plunging into the netherworld of fake sweeteners replicating flavors that aren’t even real.

Notes: The buzz provided by Bang is an aggressive wallop of caffeine that’s best microdosed unless you want your body to be on the verge of a heart attack one minute then slumped over in your gaming chair like a heap of dirty laundry the next.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
300 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

18. Clean Cause

Clean Cause, Blackberry (12-Pack)

This Whole Foods standby presents a small hint of blackberry sweetness up front and a dull tinge of old bubble gum on the finish. The carbonation is nice. This is the least appalling option you’ll find at Whole Foods, which is not saying much. For the caloric spend I would much rather have a Guayakí Yerba Mate.

Notes: Clean Cause gave me a mellow boost that burned slow and low for a few hours. I powered through some spreadsheets then cruised at 3.5 mph on the treadmill for about 45 minutes right after.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
15 grams sugar
70 calories

19. Monster

Monster, Original Flavor (15-Pack)

Since launching in 2002, Monster has been all in on being the bratty, buttrock-loving stepbrother of Red Bull’s more refined European sensibility. At the time of publication the SoCal beverage giant has almost 40 flavors in its Monster portfolio, but the original flavor in the black-and-green can is an American icon for good reason.

The sweet, citric tang hits harder than Red Bull, which is either a plus or a minus depending on how EXTREME you’re feeling when you crush this for breakfast at the crack of noon. Downing an entire can is nearly impossible without a honey bun and some Jack Link's sent down the hatch as advance fortification.

Notes: A throbbing sugar high put me one step closer to the edge, and the aggressive creep of the caffeine buzz had me feeling like I was about to break. A set of burpees set to the pace of “Push It” by Static-X failed to quell the stinging pain forming in my frontal cortex, so I cracked a CBD soda and spun some Wilco to fight back against the Darren Aronofsky scene unfolding in my brain. To say Monster Energy “has zero chill” is a gross understatement.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
54 grams sugar
230 calories

20. NOS

NOS, Original Flavor (15-Pack)

Considering the gargantuan size of the energy drink market, it’s curious that only a few cross-branding efforts exist outside candy companies lending their intellectual property for branded flavor recognition. In the wake of the massive success of the Fast and the Furious franchise, it makes perfect sense that Holley Performance, which owns the trademark on nitrous-oxide systems, or NOS for short, would collect royalties on every can of this sickly sweet concoction that’s sold.

The staggering sugar content of this “high performance energy” drink will give even the most loyal Mountain Dew stan pause, though it does wonders to obfuscate the laundry list of dyes and adjuncts that clutter the bottom half of the snazzy can’s nutrition facts. If you ever wished OG Mountain Dew was just “more,” then this is the drink for you. Make sure your dental insurance is up to date before you get too wild with this one.

Notes: I’ve never experienced the pleasure of juicing the engine of a tricked-out Mitsubishi Eclipse with a boost of nitrous, but I’ve thrown my fair share of newspaper on bonfires at Boy Scout camp. The kick in the pants provided by NOS’s unwieldy sugar content hits the same way, with very little substance on the back end to prevent total flameout on the shoulder of the highway of life.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
54 grams sugar
210 calories

21. Alani Nu

Alani Nu, Cherry Twist (12-Pack)

Alani Nu gets high marks for vibes and aesthetics, which hit somewhere between Alaska Airlines chic and Margaritaville with an ’80s synthwave twist. The actual drink, on the other hand, is a chaotic mess. An overwhelmingly sweet cherry flavor belies the lack of calories, which raises suspicion at how a low-cal can like this can somehow be the sweetest drink of the entire lot. The end result hits somewhere between a mouthful of cherry Luden’s Cough Drops and a high-volume tiki drink one would purchase on the 311 cruise.

Notes: This one gave me a mild bump in energy that might’ve been real, but it was probably just my brain getting excited about a long night of flaming sugary drinks and Jimmy Buffett tunes. About half an hour later my brain realized it was lied to and chilled out a bit.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
15 calories

22. Full Throttle

Full Throttle, Citrus (15-Pack)

Full Throttle pitches itself as “heavy-duty energy for hardworking Americans.” The can looks like something you’d see onscreen during the intro of The Colbert Report, but this is not a joke. The flavor is halfway between original Red Bull and Mountain Dew at a poorly run Taco Bell with a shoddy soda machine.

Notes: I cracked one of these during an eight-hour bartending shift and I didn’t feel much aside from a brief sugar high and a bizarre sense of patriotism. I lifted myself up by my own bootstraps and powered through the shift for less than minimum wage, and I felt very American—and very tired—while doing so.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
57 grams sugar
230 calories

23. Ryse Fuel

Ryse Fuel, Country Time Lemonade (12-Pack)

In the future, after the earth goes fallow and traditional farming as we know it goes kaput, scientists will be tasked with replicating what we once called “natural flavors” in a lab. If we’re lucky, they’ll have a better frame of reference for “lemon” than whatever’s in the Country Time Lemonade flavor of Ryse Fuel. Society will get the flavors it deserves in the future, and we’re on pace to get exactly this until the sun goes out.

Notes: It’s easy to mistake “heightened alertness” for energy, but the combo of dystopian thoughts and the scraping sensation this beverage imparted on the back of my throat felt more like paranoia than a feeling I could channel into actual productivity. Is this how Thom Yorke felt when he penned the lyrics of Radiohead's 1997 masterpiece OK Computer?

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
5 calories

24. Oca

Oca, Guava Passion Fruit (12-Pack)

Oca tastes like someone tried to infuse Nerds candy in a can of soda water. It sorta tastes like berries, and mostly tastes like nothing. If you’re counting calories, this is probably not the best use of them. What little taste that’s there is very inoffensive.

Notes: Energy drinks powered by caffeine derived from green tea make up the bulk of what you’ll find in the cooler at Whole Foods. Convincing your body these types of drinks are up to the task is a slog, as was the rest of my day after drinking Oca. You’re better off with either a La Croix or a Guayakí Yerba Mate rather than this disappointing compromise between the two.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
120 milligrams caffeine
9 grams sugar
60 calories

25. G Fuel

G Fuel, Snow Cone (12-Pack)

If video games finally gain the legitimacy needed to join the Olympics, then G Fuel’s very overt aspirations to be the Gatorade of gaming will finally come true. The can says it’s the official energy drink of esports, and the website is a sensory overload of colors and text that flashed words like “Tetris” and “PewDiePie” before I got a headache and slammed my laptop shut.

All of this fanfare, yet the end product tastes like nothing in particular. If you try hard enough you can get trace notes of the white Airheads flavor, which is usually the flavor left at the bottom of the bucket because no one knows what it’s supposed to taste like. A Reddit commenter said it “tastes like what a clown would taste like.” Shut it down.

Notes: The caffeine content of 300 mg is nothing to scoff at, and I did get quite a jolt after choking this down during the span of an episode of Rick and Morty I queued up while plowing ahead on the treadmill. Ninety minutes later my joints turned to rubber and I napped for what felt like three hours.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
300 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

26. Rockstar

Rockstar, Original Flavor (12-Pack)

The music industry has collapsed and rebuilt itself several times over since Rockstar first launched in 2001. In that span, the very concept of what a “rockstar” even is has been rewritten ad infinitum, with the most current iteration functioning as an ideal assembled from poptimism, monoculture, consolidation, and psychopathic “stanning.”

In other words, the model followed by musicians—forming bands to meet strippers to do drugs with—has been blown up completely, and consumers' appetites for branding that’s hitched to that ethos have bottomed out accordingly. Rockstar is now owned by Pepsi, and the flavor of this energy drink that is famously not Red Bull tastes exactly like you’d expect it to with this in mind. A nondescript citrus flavor serves as a poorly made Trojan horse for high fructose corn syrup and a synthetic aftertaste that’s hard to tolerate unless you’ve been chain-smoking Parliaments most of your adult life.

Notes: Partying with a can of Rockstar is a white-knuckle affair that commonly leads to grinding teeth, anguished pacing, and an overwhelming urge to argue with strangers on the internet about how the music of Buckcherry is actually good. This is the kind of energy drink that’s only appropriate to drink after midnight before you’re about to do even worse things to your body.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
63 grams sugar
260 calories

27. Zoa

Zoa, Wild Orange (12-Pack)

The can looks like a tribal tattoo a 20-year-old would acquire after a “mind-blowing” yoga retreat in Hawaii, and the flavor of this clunker is not much better. Imagine a fistful of Airborne tablets dumped in a diet orange soda and you’re halfway there. The overall flavor is astringent, sour, and a tad bit spicy on the finish.

Notes: The grab bag of vitamins in each can of Zoa does most of the work, but the 160 milligrams of caffeine does just enough to provide some temporary reprieve from the early-afternoon snoozies. I would not trust a single can of this to get me through a light day, let alone a busy one that mixes very important laptop work with light cardio and dog walking.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
10 calories

28. Ardor

Ardor, Tropical Mango (12-Pack)

This is the best of all the Ardor flavors we tried, and it still tastes like someone rinsed out a glass that contained a mango White Claw with plain seltzer. It’s 99 percent flavorless. On the bright side, this may be drinkable if you have food poisoning and need to get caffeine in you without throwing up.

Notes: I copped a bigger buzz watching commercials for Mountain Dew Kickstart on YouTube. This one is a hard no all around.

Nutritional Stats (12 ounces)
100 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
0 calories

29. Ghost

Ghost, Sour Patch Kids Blue Raspberry (12-Pack)

Have you ever thrown up all night after eating too many vodka-soaked Skittles you snuck into a bar because you’re a broke college kid? This is like that, only instead of consuming it from a plastic bag hidden in a cargo short pocket, it comes from a can that looks a lot like the disposable polyester shirts worn in the movie Idiocracy. Do not leave the basement with one of these cans in hand. You will be rightfully mocked and shamed.

Notes: An explosion of jittery energy for about an hour, followed by bubble guts and a mild headache for the next hour. The one upside is that this drink is strong, and it should keep you on the edge of your seat if you can keep it all down.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
200 milligrams caffeine
0 grams sugar
5 calories

30. Riot

Riot, Citrus Flavor (12-Pack)

If actual riots were this forgettable, Fox News might not have anything to report on. I don’t remember anything about the flavor of this aside from the fact that I hated every second of it. If anyone knows how to contact Ralph Nader, please tell him Big Energy has gone too far in co-opting the language of the oppressed … or something like that.

Notes: Once I gave up on being angry about how bad this tastes, I did some light breath work to see if I could focus on the caffeine coursing through my veins. I could not. I got angry again and switched to coffee.

Nutritional Stats (16 ounces)
160 milligrams caffeine
8 grams sugar
40 calories

Borden's milk


Beer listing from

The 31 Best Beers To Drink Right Now

This list has it all: mainstream lagers, cult-status IPAs, innovative craft stouts, and more.

Pilsner Urquell
Best Pilsner

Pilsner Urquell

Few beers can claim a history that dates back to the 13th century, but the perfect Pilsner Urquell is just that legendary. It's crafted in Plzen in the Czech Republic, a city that's famous for its soft water, which gives a nice, round finish to what would become the classic Czech pilsner. Made since 1842, Pilsner Urquell is easily the style's best known and best loved iteration.

Bell's Oberon American Wheat Ale
Best American Wheat Ale

Bell's Oberon American Wheat Ale

Bell's Brewery in Michigan became the forefather of the American approach to wheat beers with the Oberon Ale. American wheat ales don't have the banana and clove flavors of German versions, instead playing up the wheaty-ness with subtle fruit aromas and a touch of spice from the hops. Bell's Oberon is so popular that when it's rolled out each spring on Oberon Day, breweries, bars, and shops that stock the beer celebrate with events and parties.

Modelo Especial
Best Mexican Beer

Modelo Especial

Now 84% Off

Mexican lagers are a warm-weather classic, and few have stood the test of time like Modelo Especial. This iconic favorite is a shining example of what makes Mexican lagers great. Mexican brewing traditions shaped the Vienna lager style into something uniquely its own—subtly toasty and caramel-forward with a dry finish that keeps is crisp. If you're not having a Modelo Especial at your barbecues, you're doing it wrong.

Miller High Life American Lager Beer
Best Classic American Beer

Miller High Life American Lager Beer

Now 59% Off

Another refreshing easy drinker is Miller High Life. Having been around since 1903, this lager is a key piece of American beer history. Even if you're not old enough to have seen the commercials firsthand, you remember the 1970s-era jingle, "If you've got the time, we've got the beer." High Life is just so clean and simple that even craft beer and cocktail pros count it as their mainstream brew of choice, and its "Champagne of Beers" identity is an endearing play on the high-low concept. From daytime gatherings to late night bar visits, Miller High Life is a familiar comfort.

Cigar City Brewing Jai Alai IPA
Best IPA

Cigar City Brewing Jai Alai IPA

The India Pale Ale style was born out of England sending their beer to India with lots of hops that acted as preservatives in the 1800s. Today, it's one of the most popular styles in the United States because of its big, bold flavors, and Cigar City's Jai Alai is one of the most popular versions of that style. Named for a game invented in the Basque region of Spain, Jai Alai has in previous years been the best-selling craft six-pack in American grocery stores.

Newcastle Brown Ale
Best Brown Ale

Newcastle Brown Ale

If it's something more straightforward you're after, Newcastle Brown Ale is like the brown ale poster child. The English beer has been brewed since 1927, and it's a can't-fail classic you can count on when you see it on the menu. Brewed with pale and crystal malts, it's light and bready with touches of nuttiness and dried fruit.

Weihenstaphaner Hefe Weissbier
Traditional German Beer

Weihenstaphaner Hefe Weissbier

Now 93% Off

The Weihenstephan Abbey Brewery is one of the world's oldest, founded in 1040. Its Hefe Weissbier is brimming with history—and German wheat beer's flavors of banana and clove. It's also a total trail-blazer as far as Germany's beers are concerned. The country's 1516 law requires German beer to be made only from water, hops, and barley (and later, when fermentation was understood, yeast)...until Georg Schneider acquired a dispensation in 1872 and commercial breweries began to make wheat beers.

Leffe Blonde

Leffe Blonde

Today, Belgium's beer scene is richly varied between independent breweries and Trappist breweries (abbeys that make beer), producing beautiful interpretations of iconic styles. More recently, as in during the 20th century, Belgian brewers sought to compete with German and Czech lagers with lighter styles, and the blonde ale was born. The Leffe Blonde Ale is the most classic, widely known and loved version of the effervescent, grainy-sweet, orange-y and lemon-y and sometimes a little spicy style.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Best Classic Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada is a titan of American beer, having helped put craft beer on the map in 1979. You probably know them for their Pale Ale, a beer approachable enough for craft novices to love and nuanced enough to have garnered cult status among brewers. Its piney, citrusy hop character paved the way for America's love affair with the IPA, while the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale remains a staple in its own right.

Victory Golden Monkey
Best Belgian-Style Beer

Victory Golden Monkey

Pennsylvania's Victory Brewing makes one of America's favorite takes on the Belgian tripel, which is usually fruity and spicy and on the stronger side, at 7.5-9.5% ABV. Golden Monkey packs notes of banana, clove, orange, and earthy hops, with a dry finish. Made since 1997, it set the bar for American breweries to try their hands at Belgian beers.

Bell's Two Hearted IPA
Best American IPA

Bell's Two Hearted IPA

Hailing from Michigan, this award-winning IPA gets its name from the Two Hearted River in the Upper Peninsula, which boasts great fishing and supposedly inspired Ernest Hemingway's story "Big Two-Hearted River." The beer is dry hopped with 100 percent Centennial hops and has notes of grapefruit and pine.

Guinness Draught
Best Irish Beer

Guinness Draught

Guinness has been making the dark stuff in Dublin for nearly 250 years, and Guinness Draught Stout wrote the book on stouts, laying the groundwork for smooth and roasty dark beers with dreamy, creamy foam. This particular stout has always been a favorite at pubs. A brew that's inspired lessons on how to pour it should be taken seriously and thoroughly enjoyed.

Schofferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen
Bets Fruity Beer

Schofferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen

Schöfferhofer's Grapefruit Hefeweizen is a fresh—and refreshing—take on the essential German wheat beer for anyone who enjoys a fruity beer. The brewery made the first grapefruit hefeweizen in 2007. This beer is half hefeweizen, half grapefruit, so those banana, clove, and bread flavors are brightened with tart citrus. While delicious on its own, it's also a great base for beer cocktails.

Anchor Steam Beer
Original American Beer

Anchor Steam Beer

Now 49% Off

No list of best beers would be complete without the Anchor Steam Beerconsidered the first American craft beer by experts. Anchor Brewing first brewed their steam beer, otherwise known as a California Common, in San Francisco in 1896. They're still doing so today, making it one of the longest running commercial examples of an original American beer style. Called "steam beers," Commons are malty yet light and smooth amber brews. Anchor's Steam is every bit as refreshing today as it was nearly 125 years ago.

Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale
Best Summer Beer

Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale

Now 94% Off

California's Lagunitas Brewing Co. is famous for its IPA, but the brewery has another flagship beer that fans love. Lagunitas takes the American wheat ale one step further with the Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale, a beer that brings the wheat style into bolder territory with a hoppy twist.

Lawson's Finest Liquids Sip of Sunshine IPA
Best New England IPA

IPA Lawson's Finest Liquids Sip of Sunshine IPA

Let's talk West Coast vs. New England IPAs: West Coast IPAs are closer to the original form of the style. They're bright with a dry finish and most importantly, a bouquet of herbal, citrusy, bitter hop notes. More recently, New England IPAs came to represent a less bitter iteration of the style. They're hazy and juicy, often with lots of tropical fruit character and a smoothie-like quality. The Sip of Sunshine IPA from Vermont brewery Lawson's Finest Liquids is the best of both worlds. It's often classified as a New England IPA, or NEIPA, because of its tropical characteristics, but it has the floral hop quality and bitter punch of a West Coast take.

Half Acre Daisy Cutter Pale Ale
Best Hoppy Yet Manageable Beer

Half Acre Daisy Cutter Pale Ale

Now 12% Off

While the Daisy Cutter Pale Ale from Half Acre Beer Company is a craft kid compared to the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, it's still got a respectable decade under its belt. Ten years basically makes a beer a wise and revered elder in the craft brewing world. This Chicago-brewed pale ale has all the dank hoppiness of a more assertive IPA, but at a lighter, smoother clip, making it a more crushable source of hop flavor.

Chimay Grande Reserve
Best Belgian Strong Ale

Chimay Grande Reserve

Chimay's Grande Reserve is for when you're feeling a little fancy. Popping that cork is the beer equivalent of popping a nice bottle of champagne. The Grande Reserve is a Belgian Strong Ale, which boasts a bouquet of caramel, toast, plum, fig, raisin, pepper, and perfume notes with a boozy warmth. Chimay is also an example of a Belgian Trappist brewery—one of 14 in the entire world.

Ithaca Flower Power
Best West Meets East IPA

Ithaca Flower Power

The Ithaca Flower Power IPA is another form of West Coast meets Northeast for India Pale Ales. Brewer Jeff O'Neil had worked at several breweries in the Bay Area, and he brought his expertise in creating a pitch perfect West Coast IPA to New York when he went to work for Ithaca Beer Co. Flower Power is considered one of the most important beers in the industry because of how it introduced a West Coast–style done right to the East.

Ommegang Three Philosophers
Best American Twist Beer

Ommegang Three Philosophers

Now 34% Off

Ommegang's Three Philosophers is a special treat. It's a blend of two styles: a kriek and a quadrupel. A kriek is a lambic (more on this below) made with cherries, and a quadrupel is a strong, dark Belgian ale with caramel, molasses, bread, and pepper flavors. The combo is a lovely American twist on a Belgian classic that smells and tastes like brown sugar, dark fruit, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, and of course, cherries.

Köstritzer Schwarzbier
Best Schwarzbier

Köstritzer Schwarzbier

Not all lagers are light. A schwarzbier is a traditional German style that combines the easy-drinking nature of a lager (clean, low in alcohol) with the complex flavor profile of a porter or stout (roastiness, coffee, chocolate). It's essentially, and sometimes called, a dark lager. One of the original producers of schwarzbier is Köstritzer, which has been brewing in Germany since 1543.

Lindemans Framboise Lambic
Best Lambic

Lindemans Framboise Lambic

Okay, let's talk about lambics. Lambics are made with cherries (that's the kriek), raspberries, peaches, and more, for a sweet take on the original style. One of the best known and best loved versions is a raspberry version: Lindemans Framboise. It's sweet and juicy (and only 2.5% alcohol) with a crisp twist of carbonation. And because lambics are fermented spontaneously, the final taste is unpredictable but usually tart, funky, and dry.

Collective Arts Guava Gose
Best Gose

Collective Arts Guava Gose

Now 17% Off

Collective Arts Brewing is a Canadian brewery known for emphasizing a mix of art and beer, so it's no surprise they got creative. Their Guava Gose is one of the most exciting takes on the style, a lush tropical vacation in a can. It's brewed with malted barley and malted wheat along with coriander and salty water for a finish that's tart, funky, crisp, and yep, a little salty. Like the lambic, goses a popular base for adding fruit.

Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA
Best Original American IPA

IPA Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA

California brewery Bear Republic Brewing Co. launched Racer 5 back when there were only 500 breweries in the United States. It paved the way for American IPAs with its flavor profile: notes of pine and citrus from Cascade and Chinook hops, balanced by subtle sweetness from the malt.

pliny the elder
Russian River Brewing

Best Double IPA: Russian River Pliny the Elder

This is the beer that started the whole double IPA trend. Pliny the Elder, from California brewery Russian River, is responsible for Very Important Beer Moments: Brewer and now owner (with wife Natalie) Vinne Cilurzo is credited with inventing the double IPA, taking the West Coast IPA to a higher level of piney bitterness. Pliny the Elder also kick-started today's beer nerd culture. The lifestyle of lining up for brews, trading them, photographing and reviewing them for blogs and social media, can essentially be drawn back to the hullabaloo around Pliny the Elder releases, excitement that still hasn't died down to this day.

Toppling Goliath King Sue
Best Cult-Favorite IPA

Toppling Goliath King Sue

Speaking of beer-nerd culture: If you're an IPA fan, you might be aware of the style's own cult status. King Sue is a Double IPA from Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. in Decorah, IA. The brewery had wowed consumers with their IPA, Pseudo Sue, and doubled its hoppiness and tropical milkshake-y-ness for King Sue. The result is a perpetually sought after brew, an instant status symbol for your Instagram feed.

The Alchemist Heady Topper
Best Rare Cans

IPA The Alchemist Heady Topper

Now 74% Off

Heady Topper is a double IPA from Vermont brewery The Alchemist. Just as Racer 5 helped define the West Coast IPA and Pliny the Elder helped define the double IPA, Heady Topper helped define the hazy New England IPA. This beer is so good and has been so famously hard to find in the past that there are social media accounts dedicated to spotting it, people would get on planes when they found out it was being sold somewhere, and when the brewery had a brewpub, customers would actually secretly bottle the beer in the bathroom to sell or trade. This double IPA is genre-defining and legendary—make sure you follow the can's instructions and drink it without a glass.

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
Best Stout

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout

One could argue that the next most iconic stout after a Guinness is Goose Island's Bourbon County Stout. Introduced in the mid-1990s, the BCS became one of American's most-hyped beers. While a stout aged in bourbon barrels is pretty common now, Goose Island basically built the mold with its velvety smooth, coffee-chocolate vibes rolled in smoke and whiskey notes. Goose then went on to break that mold with covetable variants each year, like Midnight Orange and Coffee Barleywine.

Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter
Best Porter

Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter

The difference between porters and stouts is contested, but one key discerning factor is that porters are made from malted barley and stouts are made from unmalted barley that's been roasted. So, in general (there are exceptions), porters skew more nutty-chocolate-coffee and stouts skew more roasty-espresso-coffee. Colorado's Breckenridge Brewery sweetens things up in a lovely take on the traditional porter, brewed with vanilla. Notes of chocolate and nuttiness are still there, with the sweetness of vanilla, but this porter is far from cloying—the Vanilla Porter is smooth, drinkable, and balanced.

Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout
Best Dessert Beer

Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout

There's a lot that's special about Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout. The brewery is an English landmark, operating in Yorkshire since 1758. This stout is a shining example of a sweet stout, balancing a stout's burnt and roasty character with milky sweetness—in this case, it's notes of mocha and cocoa, like an indulgent but grown-up dessert. Plus, this chocolate stout is not only organic, it's vegan, too.

Prairie Bomb!
Most Creative Ingredients

Prairie Bomb!

Bomb! Imperial Stout from Oklahoma's Prairie Artisan Ales is an example of mad scientist flavor combos that work harmoniously. This luscious stout is aged on espresso and vanilla beans, chocolate, and ancho chile peppers. The requisite roasty stout flavors are there, plus a stronger coffee presence, sweet vanilla, and milky chocolate all fired up with a flash of heat in the finish.


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